
THAHFEEZ UL QURAN(HIFZ) / تحفيظ القرآن
- Molding the Hafizes with word Perfect Memorization in a time bound Period of 3 Years.
- Qirath Training that encompasses the rules of Pronunciation, intonation and cadence.
- Qualifying them in the examinations of classes 8,9 & 10 of Regular School Education in Jems International Hr.Sec. School.
- Forging them with Discipline, Decorum & Good Manners.
- Entailing Value education, Instilling them to revive the Sunnah and paramounting their involvement in amal.
ULOOM-US-SHARIYAH(AALIMIYATH) / العلوم الشريعة ( عالمية)
- 2 Years of Complete Arabic Grammar Comprising Nahw & Sarf.
- Next 4 Years Elucidation of Quranic tafseers and their explanations.
- Teaching them the lessons & the Methodology of Hadees Evaluation.
- Explicating figh Lessons based on its Fundamentals and Principles.
- Enriching them with the Knowledge in islamic history along with Multidisciplinary departments including islamic theology.
- An Introduction to islamic jurisprudence & their Principles.
- Untangling and explaining the theories and principles of Usool E Tafseer [Methodolgy of Quranic Interpretation] Usool E Hadees [Foundation of Prophetic tradition] Usool AL Fiqh [Islamic Jurisprudence] Special classes focusing the Multidisciplinary islamic curriculum.
- Educating from 11th to their Post graduation.

Why Choose Us..?

Thahfeez Ul Quran [Hifz]
Thahfeez Ul Quran [Hifz] Section that comprises the school Education from 8th standard.

Uloom Us Shariyah (Aalimiyath)
Aalimiyath section that embodies from 11 th standard to their degree education.

Medium of Instruction
Medium of communication inside the campus is English.

Dawath & Ibadath.
Intriguing their involvement in Dawath & Ibadath.

Extra Curricular Activities
Special focus on extra curricular activities to expand their horizon.

Healthy food
Healthy food for physical growth & cognitive development.

Oration Training
Speech training in multiple Languages.

Free & Fee Education.
Free & Fee Education.

Sports to develop life skills.

School Education
School Education in a regular stream.

Students skill development program
Students skill development program to enhance their skills.

Periodical reports
Periodical reports on Education & Health.

Seminar & Library
Seminar classes & Multilingual Library.

Guest Lectures
Live classes by experts in all fields.

Daily News.
Presenting daily news.

Laptop & Tab Facilities
Laptop & Tab facilities to enrich education.